Sennebogen 6140 HD selected for reconstruction of Grand Port Maritime quay


A Sennebogen 140 tonne duty cycle crane was selected to complete the reconstruction of the Grand Port Maritime quay on French overseas island of Reunion.

The newly acquired Sennebogen 6140 HD, from ABC Maxilift, was used for lifting and loading operations as well as civil engineering work with a pile driver and drilling rig.

The Poste N°1 pier is located on the west side of the French overseas island of Reunion. It belongs to fishing company Sapmer, which operates its warehouses directly at the quay and also unloads its ships there. The port infrastructure, built in the 1950s, was showing clear signs of fatigue. In order to ensure the continued safety of operations and to protect the immediate marine environment, it was decided to renew the quay.

The demolition and subsequent reconstruction of the quay was carried out by ROC and NGE Fondations - both subsidiaries of the NGE Group. Reconstruction began as early as May 2021, building a foundation structure resting on 40 driven piles and supporting a network of longitudinal beams, which will in turn support the bottom slab of the new quay. The new pier, built in this way over a length of almost 130 m, will allow a draught of up to 6.20 m and will be able to accommodate 90-meter-long ships weighing up to 2,700 tons.

"The most challenging point on this site is the long distance of the driven piles from the pier. The Sennebogen 6140 HD duty cycle crane with 35 m boom still lifts 17 tonne even at a radius of 24m, and can therefore easily drive the outermost piles in the ground," said Nicolas Cheung-Ah-Seung, operations manager of the crane service provider.

The 6140 HD was selected because of its heavy-duty design and its two winches, each with a pulling force of 350 kN, allowing it to take over the vibration of the foundation tubes and control the heavy Delmag pile driver.

Equipped with a cable grab, it was also used for excavating the material inside the drill pipes, utilising the programmable depth measurement device and automatically synchronised winches.

Cheung-Ah-Seung added: "This first construction site with our Sennebogen duty cycle crane for ROCS / NGE Fondations is a real success! Its versatility does not stop at civil engineering work, but we have also had this machine, which is unique in the Indian Ocean area, customized for many other requirements in our industry: for heavy-duty handling with a particularly strong 58 m boom, for special civil engineering work with the diaphragm wall grab, for extraction work and dreging with clamshell grab, orange peel grab and dragline bucket. For us, this crawler crane is an acquisition that we will use for the long-term development of our activities."
