Holt to distribute Vita Inclinata load navigator systems


Vita Inclinata, developer and producer of helicopter and crane load stabilization and precision hardware, has delivered three Vita Load Navigator (VLN) systems to Holt Crane & Equipment.

Holt, a Texas-area distributor, will utilise the VLN systems for renting and selling, as well as helping their customers fit near-term and long-term construction requirements.

The VLN is a remotely-operated, suspended load system that allows crane operation crews the precision control to orient their lifts without being in the critical path of the load. Vita has provided Holt with two VLN20 and one VLN4 systems.

The systems dynamically adjust to load sizes, crane movement, and wind conditions, allowing high-precision lifts in the most challenging environments. Holt views the VLN system as a very important tool for any type of heavy load lifting as it eliminates the use of taglines, improves the productivity of lifting and placing loads while enhancing employee safety.

“We are excited about introducing the Vita Load Navigator into the southern construction market and believe that the system will quickly prove itself in terms of safety and productivity,” said Kyle Nape, sales manager at Holt Crane & Equipment.

“Not only is this an excellent product right now, but Vita Inclinata is also a great manufacturer who works closely with Holt and our customers to continually improve the system in the field.”
