Central Contractors Service completes move to 13 acre HQ


Crane rental company Central Contractors Service (CCS), a member of the ALL Family of Companies, has completed the move of its total operations to a new headquarters located in Alsip, Illinois.

CCS began the move to the 13 acres in 2019, with the purchase of property adjacent to a four-acre satellite location. At the time, the company’s operations were spread over three separate properties. The new HQ includes a centralized logistics hub and operations department, a six-acre storage yard, and modern offices and maintenance facilities.

The new property features a 35,000-square-foot maintenance facility, with a 40-foot bay with two 20-ton overhead cranes to assist with boom repairs and rebuilds, allowing repairs and maintenance to be carried out indoors. An additional 18,000 square feet of maintenance space is housed in another building on the property.

CCS was founded in Chicago in 1946 and had a headquarters in Crestwood, Illinois, beginning in 1995. The Alsip site was added in 2004 and a location in Gary, Indiana, for tower cranes followed in 2005. Now, all operations will be housed at the expanded Alsip yard.

John Martello, general manager, said: “These centralised facilities and yard will mean even faster, more responsive service for our customers.”

CCS is planning a grand opening celebration for the spring, in which customers will be able to tour the new facility.
