Ainscough Crane Hire’s CEO wins Sir Moir Lockhead Safety Award

Ainscough Crane Hire’s CEO, Peter Gibbs, has been named the winner of a prestigious international safety award, in recognition of his commitment to safety and Ainscough’s wider Make the Safe Choice culture.

The Sir Moir Lockhead Safety Award nominations are submitted by Society of Engineers members and are designed to celebrate individuals fr om across the world that have delivered tangible improvements in safety. The award’s winners are commended for their work in driving safety initiatives or innovation, safety invention, or for safety leadership - either within the winner’s company or wider industry.

Upon receiving the award, Peter Gibbs said: “Our customers come to us because we sell ourselves as the safest and the best in terms of standards and quality. We will always back our operatives when they flag a safety issue. Safety isn’t just about cranes or crane operators. Safety is a culture and it’s about the entire business. Everybody has a key part to play in delivering – fr om start to finish – a safe lifting solution.”

Sir Moir Lockhead, the founder of First Group, said the award named after him does not follow traditional definitions of health and safety: “That is about compliance with regulations, and if you comply you’re fine. Here the Society of Engineers is going one step further. Instead of usually talking about compliance, we are talking about injury prevention and wellbeing, which is about caring for people. There’s a simple message: If you can’t do it safely, don’t do it.”

He continued: “Those people who are being rewarded have created in their companies a change in culture wh ere injury prevention and caring for people is at the top of the list. Wh ere this occurs, where leadership is strong, what happens as we all know is that they are more successful.”

Peter Gibbs’ fellow winners include Judy Agnew, senior vice president of safety solutions at Aubrey Daniels, Martin Bryce, engineering director, DHL, and Gary King – national engineering and compliance manager at Sainsbury’s.
